maandag 21 januari 2013

WarZ funny moment

Hey everyone

Yesterday I was playing WarZ with a friend, for the people who don't know what WarZ is: it is a zombie survival game. So when you first start the game, you have to make a new character. You give him a name, choose how he should look like. After that you are placed in the map of WarZ. when you press 'M' on a qwerty-keyboard or  ',' on a azerty keyboard you open the map of WarZ, normally you should spawn close to a little town or city or a safezone. a safezone is a settlement where you can log out and place some items what you have found with your character into your Global Inventory. When you are killed while playing you lose all your items but the items in the Global Inventory are still safe.
Most of the time the big cities are crowded with other players and also a lot of zombies. You should try to avoid the zombies and find some gear/weapons/food/drinks/health and just try to survive. But sometimes you just have to kill those zombies, just because they are running after you or you just want the experience what you get for killing them.
For the other players, you just never know what to do. You can trust them, team-up with them and survive together or you can shoot him down before he shoots you and loot his gear. This is for me the biggest dilemma when I'm playing solo.
There are some ways to kill a player or a zombie. First is a gun. There are a lot of different guns in WarZ, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles and handguns. These weapons can get you easy kills, 1 bullet in the head and you're dead. But the negative side of those guns is that all the zombies around you can hear you shoot and will most of the time run to you. Which makes you an easy target for other players to find you when they follow the zombies to your location. But there are also some silent options to kill zombies and players. You can put silencers on your guns, I never found one of those myself  yet so I don't know how many bullets you need to kill someone but I guess it's also 1 bullet in the head with that. There are also flashlight, knifes, samurai swords, hatchets, baseball bats and a hammer. these are melee weapons, all melee weapons are silent weapons. These are used to kill zombies while raiding a town or city.

But now back to my original story,

So we were playing WarZ and we were clearing out a town and trying to find some awesome loot. But we didn't find anything fancy at the beginning. But while walking in a garden of a house I looked up because I thought I saw someone and I found 2 zombies doing it doggy-style. I just told my friend to look up and we just bursted into tears!
This was by far our best funny moment in the game.

I recorded it for some seconds so feel free to have a look how this looked like!

Well this was my story in WarZ!

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