First of all, thanks you for visiting my blog!
This is a blog wich I started on Friday 7 December 2012.
It will be a blog about myself and some games that I play and about what wierd things happen to me during the upcoming year.
I hope you will enjoy your views here and wish me good luck on this since it's the first time I'm going to do this!
Recently I was
bored of all the games I had and I was searching for something new. Then I saw
some videos and suggestions about the game "Cube World". I still need
to adjust my fraps for making screenshots and video's.
I will have some
video's up about what to do at the beginning, about leveling, and how to play
the rogue class.
I will hope you
will enjoy my new series!
To be continued...
A picture of my rogue in Cube World! Looking down from a mountain into water.
Sorry that
I haven’t been posting for a while now, but I was busy moving to my own apartment.
I have just been playing league of legends for a while now, and it got time to
start a new game. Some friends convinced me to try Tera, so that is what I have
done. And Tera is just amazing!
Just some
months this game became free to play. And I have to say, it looks amazing from
graphics, the gameplay is nice, you have
to aim your skills not just click like most mmo’s but most of all I really like
the Dungeons! The bosses are HUGE and they just look (and yes I am going to say
it again) AMAZING!
You don’t
have many classes to play in Tera but it sure is enough.
I think
around previous week I’ve bought a game from the Steam Store called “Don’t
Starve”. But I didn’t have a lot time to play the game at first, but this week
I’ve been playing it a lot. The game is still in the Beta phase but every 13 or
14 days they are bringing you a patch with new stuff to make or new creatures
to kill / catch or new content to explore.
Like the
title of the game already says, the goal of “Don’t Starve” is.. well.. Don’t
So in the
beginning of the game when you play it for the first time, you start with absolutely
nothing. There is a guy who wakes you up and says: “Good luck and remember, don’t
starve”. Now it’s up to you to find a way to get food and make a fire at night.
So the first things you have to do is to gather all the resources around you
like Grass, Sticks and flint of you found around 3 flints and sticks you can
make your first tools like a mining pick or a hatchet. The hatchet is needed to
chop down threes for wood. You will need this wood in order to make a campfire.
And the campfire is needed to stay alive at night. Because at night the Grue
will come to you and hurt you if you are not near a fire.
When you
survived the night the next day will begin of course. So in the second day you
have to get yourself some wood, stone and food. The best two ways to get food
Drop a seed and wait for a bird to come and fly down. If you are in time to attack the bird it will drop some meat and a feather. The feather depends on what bird you kill.
If you see a rabbit hole and you see that the rabbit is further away, then you go stand in the opposite direction of the hole and click on the rabbit to attack. This way the rabbit will run to his hole to seek cover but you will be in the path back to his hole and you’ll have time to kill it on his way.
So like
this there are so many things to discover in the world of Don’t Starve. Lately
they have added another method of playing the game.
You have to do the things to survive like
always but this time you also have to drop some items in science machine to get
some science points, these points are needed to unlock new tools.
Like to first method you have to do the things
to survive but this time you don’t need to drop things in the science machine
to get science points. You just have to build the science machine and you just
need the materials to make the tool that you want.
I kind of
like the first method since it give you a more feeling about progressing in the
game rather than just surviving. But this is just personal opinions.
I will be
making a gameplay video soon when I discovered some more things of Don’t Starve
to show you guys what you can do inside the game, what to lookout for and how
to get things in an easier way than expected.
Yesterday I was playing WarZ with a friend, for the people who don't know what WarZ is: it is a zombie survival game. So when you first start the game, you have to make a new character. You give him a name, choose how he should look like. After that you are placed in the map of WarZ. when you press 'M' on a qwerty-keyboard or ',' on a azerty keyboard you open the map of WarZ, normally you should spawn close to a little town or city or a safezone. a safezone is a settlement where you can log out and place some items what you have found with your character into your Global Inventory. When you are killed while playing you lose all your items but the items in the Global Inventory are still safe.
Most of the time the big cities are crowded with other players and also a lot of zombies. You should try to avoid the zombies and find some gear/weapons/food/drinks/health and just try to survive. But sometimes you just have to kill those zombies, just because they are running after you or you just want the experience what you get for killing them.
For the other players, you just never know what to do. You can trust them, team-up with them and survive together or you can shoot him down before he shoots you and loot his gear. This is for me the biggest dilemma when I'm playing solo.
There are some ways to kill a player or a zombie. First is a gun. There are a lot of different guns in WarZ, rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles and handguns. These weapons can get you easy kills, 1 bullet in the head and you're dead. But the negative side of those guns is that all the zombies around you can hear you shoot and will most of the time run to you. Which makes you an easy target for other players to find you when they follow the zombies to your location. But there are also some silent options to kill zombies and players. You can put silencers on your guns, I never found one of those myself yet so I don't know how many bullets you need to kill someone but I guess it's also 1 bullet in the head with that. There are also flashlight, knifes, samurai swords, hatchets, baseball bats and a hammer. these are melee weapons, all melee weapons are silent weapons. These are used to kill zombies while raiding a town or city.
But now back to my original story,
So we were playing WarZ and we were clearing out a town and trying to find some awesome loot. But we didn't find anything fancy at the beginning. But while walking in a garden of a house I looked up because I thought I saw someone and I found 2 zombies doing it doggy-style. I just told my friend to look up and we just bursted into tears!
This was by far our best funny moment in the game.
I recorded it for some seconds so feel free to have a look how this looked like!