zaterdag 15 december 2012

Tixx and Toxx

Tixx and Toxx

Now that Tixx has arrived at The Grove, the dungeon has been opened and you can get a lot of loot from it. Some loot is required to make a toy in the Mystic Forge in Lions Arch! So when you enter the dungeon (5 man dungeon) you have to jump down and destroy the tar elementals and return their ooze to the machines. There are 2 machines so don’t get all confused.

So after that you can or run back to the teleporter or just use the waypoint and click on the teleporter. When you get teleported upstairs you have to clear I believe it were 3 packs of Skritts.

When they are cleared out you head back to the beginning by clicking the teleporter and jump down or taking the waypoint back and jump down. Your goal here is to gather the ‘Plant Food’ which can be found at the marked areas on the minimap. And bring them back to the gather person.

When you have gathered everything it is time to destroy the malfunctioning turrets which can be found all over the place. This shouldn’t be too hard when you stay in group. When you have completed this task the final task kicks in.

Okay, here is the final task which has to be completed and that is to defeat Toxx and bring him back to a normal sense!

When you did that your reward will be popping up and you will be given some materials to create a toy at the Mystic Forge!

PS: Don’t forget to take the chest at the center !


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