maandag 24 december 2012

Christmas eve

Hey everyone,
Today we are celebrating Christmas eve with the family, we already opened the presents before they all came. I got some hand gloves, a tablet to place my laptop on when I'm sitting in bed and a coupon from a sport shop, finally I can buy me running shoes.
At 5 O'clock everyone arrived and we started with something little to eat and a drink. My mom gave everyone a tour around the house because we renovated everything.
I'm so wondering what dinner will be!
To be continued...

Part 2

The Dinner was awesome, we had lam on the barbeque, fish, mashed potatoes, pickles, salads and the sauces. Before we started our dinner mom brought us all some little bit of soup, but before we could eat/drink the soup we had to do a Polish tradition. We all got a piece of hostie and we had to go to one person, break a little bit of their hostie, say our wishes for that person and then eat the part of hostie you broke off. The other person had to do the same thing to you and then you go to the next person and do the same till you have had everyone in the room. After that we could eat our soup and wait for mom to finish decorating the dinner dishes. Everyone was talking while mom was busy in the kitchen and when her boyfriend was serving us the dishes that were done. When we all sat down and started eating it became so silent in the room. Just because of that you just knew everyone was enjoying their meal.
When everyone was satisfied we had a little break and started to cleaning up the table and started to do the dishes. Some people when for a smoke, others were watching TV, and two were doing the dishes. When the break was over and everyone was on the table again my mom started to make desert. This just was the best thing of the day! Ice cream with chocolate sauce or avocado sauce, chocolate mousse with whipped cream on it! That was just so delicious that everyone asked for more! At this point we all needed a little break because we just ate too much. Then for the ending we had some coffee and chatted everything away, we also watched some funny videos on YouTube just to laugh even more.
This was my awesome Christmas!

The end.

zaterdag 22 december 2012

Guild Wars 2 - Sorrow's Embrace Story Mode

Hey everyone,

Yesterday while questing in Shiverpeak Mountains, I came across a dungeon called Sorrow's Embrace. At the entrance there were some people standing and looking for a group. So I asked them if they were doing story mode, since I still had to do story mode of that dungeon. They said yes and invited me in their group. It took a while since we found our last member but he was worth the wait.

So now a quick background story about the dungeon. Sorrow's Embrace is a dungeon in the Shiverpeak Mountains. Long ago, it was the dwarven foundries of Sorrow's Furnace where many dredge were enslaved. Since then, the dredge moletariat has claimed the cavernous area and named it 'Sorrow's Embrace', turning it into an industrious dredge land. Recently, however, the moletariat was infiltrated, bringing great unrest to the area. A dredge named Karamoleoff stands outside the entrance, informing travelers of the situation.

The dungeon has 2 modes: Story and explorable

And to get there, you can fight your way through Tribulation Rift or can sneak in from Heimdahl's Last Stand hugging the cliff face on your right and making a few jumps down.

Now some background about the story mode:
Zojja, pursuing clues of someone misusing her late master's research, has gone into the depths of Sorrow's Embrace, which is now a center of power for the xenophobic dredge. Caithe has convinced Eir to help rescue her, and has asked that a group of heroes come to help.
The heroes find a great dredge army massing in the depths, aided by the asuran technology of the Inquest, and further discover that the asura behind the research is one of Zojja's old rivals, Kudu. The players also discover why Logan and Rytlock are angry at each other, why Zojja is cruel to Eir, and why Destiny's Edge may never be reunited.

The map of Sorrow's Embrace:

So in the story mode there are 4 bosses.
The first one is really easy.

Just kill all the non-elites first, then the asura veteran, then the golem and at the end the Boss.

The 2nd boss is hard for the melee players so your melee should go ranged for this fight.

The boss will now and then throw a lightning bolt that jumps to nearby allies, if you are not spread he will cast it every 10 seconds. If you are spread he will cast it every minute. When he starts spinning, don't hit him with ranged attacks because you will damage yourselves.

The 3rd boss is the hardest boss in the dungeon in my eyes. You have to defeat 4 golems and some of them are pretty nasty!
The 1st golem will now and then throw a lightning bolt at you which damages everything around you, so don't stand near allies. And avoid conditions because this boss will convert the conditions he has on himself to healing.

The 2nd golem was in my eyes the hardest one, it's the Fire Golem! What you have to do here is taking a lot of spells to clear conditions on yourself, since  he will burn you like crazy if you don't know how to dodge well. You will see him casting and when the fireball comes at you, dodge that thing, because otherwise you will get a nasty fire dot on yourself. And don't stand in the fire pools which are created by the fireball when it lands.

The 3rd golem this is the Poison Golem. Don't try to melee him, he will have a poison cloud around him almost all the time. When you see him throwing boulders, start dodging it, or use the stairs to lose line of sight, because if you get grabbed he pulls you to him and you'll get a lot of debuff's and damage from him. that's about it for this one.

The 4th golem is just disappointing, he is really easy and shouldn't be a problem.

The Final Boss.

You all have to take 1 platform, and hide behind the metal peace so that the beam of lava will not hit you. After he shot the beam, go off the platform since the boss will pull a chain and there will fall lava on every platform and will drop a lava monster. Kill this monster fast while moving back on the platform because the boss will shoot a beam right after it. When you kill that lava monster it will drop a rock. Pick it up and wait for the beam to go away, then run back of your platform since the boss will drop lava once again on every platform. But now throw the rock to the boss to damage him. and repeat this till he is dead.

Here is a video of me doing the final boss with my group.

An interesting fact is, as the final boss descends into the lava he gives the party a thumbs up. This is likely a reference to the movie "Terminator 2", when the T-800 is terminated he gives John Connor the thumbs up.

Thumbs up!
Well this was it guys, I hope you enjoyed the guide a bit. I had a lot of fun doing that dungeon yesterday!


donderdag 20 december 2012



Now that Tixx has stopped moving around whole Tyria, He's finally back in Lion's Arch! So hurry up and talk to him if you want some extra cool stuff, like a new 15 slot bag and a toy bag to wear on your back!

 While you are there, you definitely should try out the "Toypocalypse"!! It is so much fun but hard to do if you join with a random group, my first time in there we managed to get to the 5th phase out of 10 so I guess we defended it well. So in that Toypocalypse you have to choose a weapon at the beginning of the game, I took the rifle since it did the most damage in my eyes and I already saw people going and collecting materials by shooting down the buildings in there so they could make more defense. So if I joined them with collecting there was no one left to shoot down the toys who come and come all the time. When you get hit while defending you can heal yourself up by standing in the middle spot, but soon as you move away from it, the healing buff will go away, so you have to stand there to heal fully up again, this can be tricky at times when you took agro from those nasty toys!

The Dolyaks who needed protection
Me healing up

Guild Wars 2 Christmas events

Hey everyone,

It has been a while since I made a new post, but I was bizzy getting new material from Guild Wars 2 and since it's the Winter days I had a lot to do in GW2 and also in real life of course, like getting presents for my parents and friends.

So a fast update of what I've been doing the whole time is playing a lot of Guild Wars 2, playing through the winter day dungeon of Tixx to help him paint the dolls, fight off gryphons etc. you can see that in my videos of you want to know more about the events in the dungeon.

I also made the Winter Days achievement!! Which gave me the Title: 'Apprentice Toymaker'
It was pretty easy to do. Play all the games in winter days, make some snowmen of mystic snow! Do the jumping puzzle which I did in my previous post!

Me showing off my achievement! ☺
What I also have been doing is making a new episode of my Thief Leveling! I'm done with the level 50 to 60 and also soon done with the 60 to 70 like you can see in the picture above.

Here is the new episode, enjoy!

zaterdag 15 december 2012

Tixx and Toxx

Tixx and Toxx

Now that Tixx has arrived at The Grove, the dungeon has been opened and you can get a lot of loot from it. Some loot is required to make a toy in the Mystic Forge in Lions Arch! So when you enter the dungeon (5 man dungeon) you have to jump down and destroy the tar elementals and return their ooze to the machines. There are 2 machines so don’t get all confused.

So after that you can or run back to the teleporter or just use the waypoint and click on the teleporter. When you get teleported upstairs you have to clear I believe it were 3 packs of Skritts.

When they are cleared out you head back to the beginning by clicking the teleporter and jump down or taking the waypoint back and jump down. Your goal here is to gather the ‘Plant Food’ which can be found at the marked areas on the minimap. And bring them back to the gather person.

When you have gathered everything it is time to destroy the malfunctioning turrets which can be found all over the place. This shouldn’t be too hard when you stay in group. When you have completed this task the final task kicks in.

Okay, here is the final task which has to be completed and that is to defeat Toxx and bring him back to a normal sense!

When you did that your reward will be popping up and you will be given some materials to create a toy at the Mystic Forge!

PS: Don’t forget to take the chest at the center !


Guild Wars 2 - Winter days

Hey everyone,

I just logged into Guild Wars 2 and downloaded the new patch, Winter days!


I am so excited about the new winter season events! The first thing what I did was the winter days pvp!

Winning with my team like a boss!

This was so awesome to play, the whole team running and fighting and defending for the gifts! It is like capture the flag, a Gift spawns in the middle of the map and both teams have to fight to get that gift to their base. In this round we won and I captured 2 presents! There are 3 different roles to pick when starting the fight, a scout, a heavy gunner and a support! Till now I enjoyed the heavy gunner the most!

Gues who made the jumping puzzle!

After the pvp part, I participated in the jumping puzzle, I enjoyed this one so much that i did it over and over again, and made some friends while doing it, while raging in the waiting zone on about how we failed the jumps! Made a video how I made the jumping puzzle and a compilation with some fails what i did.

I hope you enjoyed the video like I enjoyed the jumps! After some time I wanted to play the music part from the winter season. This was kind of weird at the beginning because I didn't know when to press the right button. But then I read what the snowman was saying and I understood when to press the buttons, the notes were falling down and when it reached the blue circle where you were standing in you had to press it, the best to do it is to wait a little bit when it enters because if you do it to soon then you still get damage for doing it wrong.

After some practice and some new key bindings
Now log into Guild Wars 2 and enjoy the winter season!


zaterdag 8 december 2012

Guild Wars 2 - Wonderfull places

Hey everyone,

While I was leveling in Guild Wars 2 I came across a lot of beautiful places and when I thought of it I took a screenshot of it just to remember that good view.

Here is an example of a nice place I came across. This picture was taken when I was looking at a Vista. You can see my Char Ranger in the upper left corner of the screenshot. The Asura places really are so high-tech, that's what I love about them!

Above are more screenshots of the Asura place so Epic!! <3

Now some of my second race what I like the most, the structures that is. Sylvari!

Well this was it for now. I'll be posting more if I made some new ones. You can sent me in the comment below your best screenshots from Guild Wars 2!


vrijdag 7 december 2012

Good round in Battlefield 3

Good evening or maybe morning for some of you,

This evening since all my friends weren't online I decided to play a little bit of Battlefield 3.
The first 2 rounds were pretty epic and we won those 2 as well, I unlocked the Scan Bolt for the Xbow.

Xbow Bolts

Then just at the beginning of the 3rd round I killed someone with a (hate to say this) Random Grenade and killed 2 people and because of that I unlocked the High Explosive Bolt. The 3rd round was pretty close to a loss but we kept doing our best and defended our bases pretty well and conquered the some enemy bases which led us to Victory!

Of course after the 3rd round I started a 4th match which went so awesome for me that I had to take a screenshot and save it to share it with you guys! Despite the server lags at some points of the match I still kept on killing and getting bases like a Boss. Like you can see in the screenshot below I was a Killing Machine and the Best Assault of that match! Too bad the other team had a lot better teamwork this time, me and my squad did what we could to hold some bases but we got outnumbered all the time. Which let us to a Defeat!

Battlelog Report of the 4th match!
link to this report:

If you ever want to play with me on the Battlefield add me or sent me a message on battlelog (jikiwiki) or just in the comments.

Have a good evening,


First Win of Today!

Hi everyone,

After my warm Coffee I decided to check out League of Legends and see when I could get my First Win and it turned out I could do it right away so that's what I've done. 
And if you look at my profile on League of Legends you'll see I had a very bad time yesterday playing LoL I think I lost every single match yesterday it was so frustraiting.

So that's why I always play a bot (AI) game to get my First Win as soon as possible.

Here are some screenshots what fraps took while I was playing! Enjoy!

The beginning of the game
Having fun with talon who couldn't lasthit










And ofc this is a win!