woensdag 27 augustus 2014

Guild Wars 2 Leveling time laps

Hey all,

Like you all already knew, I was playing Guild Wars 2!
While leveling and dinged level 12. I had a good idea! I'm going to take a picture every so many minutes while leveling!

Doing this made a good time laps on how I leveled. if you look at the xp bar it goes up and up and up!
So I will not say any more words and I will let you enjoy the show!


I hope you guys enjoyed the show! Keep leveling!

CubeWorld part 2

Hey all,

It has been a while, I had so much work for school and it just took all my extra time away! But now I have some time, so I'm going to make the second part.

I'm this video I'm going to show you how to survive in the game. How you can make food, potions and how to use the inn.
  1. Food is used to recover from a huge fight where you lost a lot of health.
  2. Potions are used to recover some health in a fight. You will drink a potion while you are in combat. You can still run around while drinking a potion. Not like food where you have to stand still.
  3. The inn or a camp in the world is where you can sleep and get your health up aswell. But time will go by faster. But be careful, because enemies might approach you while you are sleeping and can damage you when you wake up!
  4. I'm not sure but I think I'm also show you what world to take and where to get the "Legendary Lamp"!

In this video I will show you what the good thing is about the legendary lamp and how a dungeon looks like!!

I have to say two more things and those are:
  • It has been over 1 year now and the game still didn't have gotten some updates
  • But they did post a thing they are working on. Making a questing system. (which took 1+ year)
So I can still recommend the game to others, because I've enjoyed the game. Leveling, exploring, collecting all the pets that are available. But the makers of the game really are taking their time to update it. So it is still an alpha staged game. And I can't promise that it will get completed.

So you can take your chances and enjoy it for a while or just ignore it.

Cheers all! Have fun to the people getting the game!