donderdag 28 maart 2013


Hey guys

Sorry that I haven’t been posting for a while now, but I was busy moving to my own apartment. I have just been playing league of legends for a while now, and it got time to start a new game. Some friends convinced me to try Tera, so that is what I have done. And Tera is just amazing!

Just some months this game became free to play. And I have to say, it looks amazing from graphics, the gameplay is nice, you  have to aim your skills not just click like most mmo’s but most of all I really like the Dungeons! The bosses are HUGE and they just look (and yes I am going to say it again) AMAZING!
You don’t have many classes to play in Tera but it sure is enough.

  • Lancer (main tank)
  • Warrior (dodging off tank)

  • Priest (main healer)
  • Mystic (support healer)

Damage dealers:
  • Warrior (if not tanking)
  • Slayer (2 handed sword)
  • Berserker (2 handed axe)
  • Archer (bow and arrows)
  • Sorcerer (magic damager dealer)

Here is a picture of my Lancer at level 40!